The Programme for Theology and Culture in Asia (PTCA) was founded in 1983. The PTCA is not an organization nor an institution but a theological movement, and committed to:
•Helping equip theologians and church leaders in a theological reorientation for their various ministries;
•Recovering our own cultural and spiritual resources in Asian countries and making these available for the doing of living theologies in Asia;
•Promoting creative, indigenous theological writing within the concrete experiences and heritages of the Asia arena;
•Facilitating active theological interactions within Asia and between Asia and other parts of the world.
Since its inception, the PTCA has been working for the constructions and re-construction of theologies that reflect Asian resources, contexts and experiences mainly by organizing Regional Theological Seminar-Workshop, National Workshop, Theological Consultation and by publishing JTCA. The primary focus of the movement is “Doing Theologies with Asian Resources” and the target group is younger theologians especially those who are in the final stage of their doctoral programme or those who have just joined in teaching ministry.