2010年5月5日 星期三

Inter Sub-regional Doctoral Students Colloquim in Asia

Background: The Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia (PTCA) was founded in 1983, having Professor Choan-seng Song from Taiwan as the first Dean. The PTCA is not an organization nor an institution but a theological movement, and committed to:
• Helping equip theologians and church leaders in a theological reorientation for their various ministries;
• Recovering our own cultural and spiritual resources in Asian countries and making these available for the doing of living theologies in Asia;
• Promoting creative, indigenous theological writing within the concrete experiences and heritages of the Asia arena;
• Facilitating active theological interactions within Asia and between Asia and other parts of the world.
Since its inception, the PTCA has been working for the constructions and re-construction of theologies that reflect Asian resources, contexts and experiences mainly by organizing Regional Theological Seminar-Workshop, National Workshop, Theological Consultation and by publishing JTCA. The primary focus of the movement is “Doing Theologies with Asian Resources in Asian context”.